Core Portfolios
The goal of the Colby Safety-First Portfolio is to achieve capital appreciation while controlling risk, primarily by selecting various Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) at advantageous times, according to Colby's comprehensive analysis, which may include Colby's updated version of the Screening Method for Analysis of Relative Strength (described above), other objective research methods, and considered judgment based Colby's estimates of Potential Reward compared to Potential Risk going forward. (Click for Brochure.)
The Colby Fixed-Income Portfolio is not designed to track the general bond market, and so it may not be highly correlated to the broad bond market indexes. Rather, it is designed with an objective to potentially perform relatively well in any market or economic environment, including periods of expansion, contraction, inflation, deflation, etc., unlike the broad bond market indexes, which passively track the general market, even when bond prices are in protracted downtrends. Colby attempts to obtain consistent quarterly returns that exceed those of the bond market and to protect capital against significant risks.
FLEX is not a short-term trading system, but it will be updated continuously in order to respond to changes in the major trends in a timely manner. In bull markets, the FLEX portfolio will be fully invested, overweighting the ETFs representing asset classes that offer the greatest upside potential, according to the objective algorithm. Because prolonged major bear market trends offer a very different set of challenges, in order to protect capital from loss FLEX may convert (shift) up to 100% of the portfolio to cash, defensive ETFs, or bonds, automatically and incrementally, using Colby’s Systematic Trend Identification System.
Stocks Plus offers Clients a stock portfolio designed to outperform the S&P 500 in both up and down markets. Stocks Plus is based on Colby's updated version of the Screening Method for Analysis of Relative Strength (described above). More than 600 stocks and strategic Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are analyzed weekly and investments are made in up to 20 of the best-performing investments. Because prolonged major bear market trends offer a very different set of challenges, in order to protect capital from loss Stocks Plus may convert (shift) up to 100% of the portfolio to cash, defensive ETFs, or bonds, automatically and incrementally, using Colby’s Systematic Trend Identification System.